There were fewer boats in Admiralty Bay than last time, and we found a good anchorage near the beach. While in Bequia, we followed pretty much the same procedure as with Marion and Marty, i.e. had scrumptious pizza at Mac's, bought vegetables from the market, and Oili and Jouko went on a guided tour of the island and to see the turtle sanctuary, in particular.

On the 18th, we sailed to Tobago Cays. The lagoon was now crowded as the weather was picture-perfect with blue skies and gentle winds. We spent two glorious days hawksbill turtle watching, snorkeling, underwater photographing, and spotting iguanas on the nearby islands.

As our schedule was not yet pressing but gradually getting tighter, on Sunday, we continued to Union Island to check out of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
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